Restriction of records using application designer

You can use the Application Designer to define restrictions on what records appear in an application. You can enter a query in the presentation XML of an application to limit what data a user can see in that application. You can also limit the records that an application shows when it uses the same data source that other
applications use, but not all of the data is applicable to all of the applications. The following procedure is presented as an example.

To define restrictions on a power application:

1 In the Application Designer, open the Assets application in the Workspace

2 Select the List Table control.

3 Click Control Properties to open the Table Properties window.

4 In the Application Restrictions field, type
the Application Designer interprets the query as
select * from asset where ASSETNUM!= 'BUS'

5 Click Save.

When you open the Assets application, you will see all the records that do
not have a ASSETNUM of "BUS".

Similarly you can restrict any record based on attribute .Example restrict workorder based on workorder num 

WONUM !=’10098’


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